Blitz (122/213)

From:David McMinn
Date:23 May 2000 at 11:02:05
Subject:Re: Changing tasks...

Hi Daniel

> doing in that way. I get a shape (640x8) from bitmap 0 and blit it in
> bitmap 1 (the visable one). I do that until y position of blitting shape
> reach 196 (+/-). Hmm... is there any faster way to do that (change this
> square)???

You could try using Blockscroll as you can specify to copy from 1 bitmap to
another. This would save 1 copy operation the way you are doing it (1 copy to
grab the shape and 1 copy to draw the shape).

> Another thing. To create first bitmap I'm using
> CludgeBitmap. And whan I want to copy this bitmap to then second one, the
> debbuger shows error that the source bitmap doesn't exist. Why??? What's
> the problem???

I don't know about this, but I was getting errors last night when I tried to
copy a cludged bitmap. It didn't say it didn't exist, just that it couldn't do
it :(

Check the bitmap object from the debugger menu and check that it has pointers
and sizes set up correctly. Again, you could also try using the Blockscroll

> I have another problem. On screen is a picture and in right-up
> corner it has depth gadget to change screens. I wonder, if the standart
> amiga screen's depth gadget will be active??? Strange but I didn't try it

Yes. If you open your screen with one of the "tags" type commands, then you can
specify #SA_Quiet as the tag and true as the data and the screen will be opened
without a titlebar or depth gadget. I think.

> active :(( So even when I'm click on the WB screen (and it becomes the
> active one), all zones, keys still do their functions :(( ie. pressing F1
> key will change the playing module or pressign Esc key will end the
> programm. How to freez this task (or loop) at the time, when the programm
> screen is not active one? And unfreez it when it becoms active again???

When you click on the WB screen somewhere, your window should be de-activated.
If you are using IDCMP to get keypresses (which would be the best way) then you
should not get these messages any more.

Another way would be to check for the #IDCMP_INACTIVEWINDOW IDCMP message, and
if you get that then your window is not the active one any more and you can
ignore all inputs. This would also allow you to use non-IDCMP messages for
input as you could ignore them when your window is inactive.

To restart your program, check for the #IDCMP_ACTIVEWINDOW message.

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